Must Read Plant-based & Holistic Medicine Headlines
Two news stories have broken this summer that show how important plant-based medicines are for patients and the future of healthcare in our country.
The first is an investigation by CNN’s Dr Sanjay Gupta’s into the benefits of medical cannabis. You can find it here: Read more on CNN.com
The second is a report from Johns Hopkins University showing how the alarming shortage of pharmaceutical drugs in our country is bad news for cancer patients: You can find it here: Read more on CNN.com
More on this story here: Read more on CBSNews.com

OUR Goals
As a National Voice For Patients, our goal is to improve the Health and Health Care of the Nation. We will achieve this by campaigning to:
Regulatory Change
Highlight System Failures
Treatment Education
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Our healthcare system is broken and under the current system it is hard to see any meaningful improvements coming anytime soon. At CPR we don’t care what side of the political divide you are on, how wealthy or poor you are or, if you wear red or blue. We care about bringing people together to campaign for the common aim of better healthcare for all.

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