CPR Press Releases:
Coalition For Patient Rights (CPR) has released the following Press Releases for publication. In the event that you or your organization would like to make a media inquiry, please reach out to: media@compassion-center.org
Please place “CPR Media Inquiry” into the subject header and reference the press release, state or chapter in question so as to be directed to the person most suited to address the inquiry. CPR is a national organization run by volunteers and may take additional time to reply so please provide 72 hours for a response.
Publishers can publish the following press releases in their entirety without any further authorization. Redacted press releases should be submitted to media@compassion-center.org for review and approval/denial/modification prior to any such publication. Failure to follow these conditions may result in further action.
Thank you for reaching out to Coalition For Patient Rights (CPR), a National Social Welfare Organization focused on the evolution of a responsible healthcare system that serves the patients and not just industry investors and stakeholders like it currently does. For more information, please attend one of our meetings or start a chapter of your own.