Highlight The Inadequacies and Failures of the Current System:
In particular, the restricted choice of preferred treatments imposed on patients and the need for change, and the shortage of professionals.
According to Gallup 70% of Americans have a negative view of our healthcare system. Not surprising really as in the USA we spend more on healthcare than other countries. While our standard of living has grown this century our healthcare costs have grown even faster. We have some of the best hospitals in the world, the best doctors, best nurses, we manufacture the most amazing medical devices and produce ground-breaking drugs. Nevertheless, we are still ranked as one of the least healthy nations in the developed world. We have one of the lowest life spans, highest levels of obesity, more serious illnesses, and suicides.
In contrast, in 2022 there were approximately 4.5 million registered nurses and 700,000 licensed nurse practitioners working in the US (Carson Neuman Univ.). This makes nursing the single largest category of healthcare professionals. There is really no way to minimize the impact of any large-scale shortages of nurses on the US healthcare system. Yet, that is what is happening at a truly frightening level. According to a National Council of State Boards (NCSB) report, Nursing in April 2023, 100,000 registered nurses left the workforce in the last two years. A further 600,000 plan to leave in the next fours years. PBS claims that by 2025 the US shortfall in ‘bedside nurses’ will have reached 450,000.
Read more about our solution to the Nursing Crisis Here
Our healthcare system clearly is not working, at least not in the interest of our people.
However, our problems don’t stem just from costs, our delivery systems are also to blame. Our treatment choices are limited, there is a lack of transparency, insurance companies are allowed to name their price and there is little or no protection for us if we fall on hard times and cannot pay.
CPR believes that a non-bipartisan approach to reform is needed if our health system is ever to provide world class healthcare to our people.
We propose:
Ensuring providers get paid and are incentivized for making patients well. Hospitals should be rewarded for the speed with which they treat patients and send them home healthy.
These prevent qualified and trained medical professionals such as doctors, nurses and pharmacists from delivering a wider range of services.
A ban on doctors preferred treatment for their patients is being overruled by the demands of insurance companies
Patients should be allowed to compare prices and providers and select the one most suited to their needs. When you’re buying a car or a refrigerator you don’t just take the only one on offer. Why should healthcare be treated differently?
Primary care and preventative treatments that remove the down the road need for hospitalisation.
Curtail the pharmaceutical industry’s ability to slow down generic competition.
And allow Medicare to buy drugs based on their proven ability to deliver.
Institute reforms that foster solutions to advancing education and healthcare through a combination of vocational training and immigration policy that attracts more talent